A Nacogdoches family has recovered $8.5 million in settlement funds for a February 2020 crash that claimed a man’s life. The family, represented by Ferguson Law Firm managing partner Paul ‘Chip’ Ferguson, secured the settlement four days before trial was to begin in district court. Ferguson stated that, while many of the details of the settlement are confidential, the result was exceptional for the family.
The accident occurred when a woman driving a car that pulled into the path of the oncoming 18-wheeler driven by the decedent. The two vehicles collided, causing minor injury to the woman but resulting in the truck driver’s death. The woman claimed she pulled out due to a commercial fuel truck parked alongside the road obscuring her vision. Ferguson commented, “The first question we asked was ‘why did this woman pull out?’ and the answer became clear – she couldn’t see. And a commercial truck should not park near an intersection to cause such a risk.”
The case involved multiple accident reconstructions and a video recreation of the crash. “All of those things were important but the deposition of the driver who had parked alongside the road proved definitive,” Ferguson added. “That deposition was nearly 200 pages and the driver was forced to admit time and time again that he parked in an unsafe place. Also critical was the trial deposition of the investigating police officer. He had initially placed all blame on this poor woman who simply couldn’t see. By the end of his testimony, the officer but conceded every point we wanted to make.”
The deceased truck driver had been earning approximately $28,000 per year and was survived by his wife and three children. “These were good people,” Ferguson said. “These are exactly the kind of people we want to represent: honest, hard-working, and God-fearing. If we can’t help them, then who can we help?” Ferguson was aided in his representation of these clients by Packard Lapray partner Jon Healy.
“It is a wonderful result, and I couldn’t be prouder. But I am proudest for the work everyone put in on this case.” Ferguson continued. “A lot of people did very good work on this case. My staff worked very hard to be sure these clients got the very best. Simply put, Ashlie and Melissa are the best. But, while I am proud of everyone’s hard work, and that this is such a significant result, I am happiest that we have taken care of this family. In the end, that is what our work is all about.”